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The Health Benefits of Safe Step Bathtubs

woman using the hydrotherapy jets

Walk-in tubs do more than just increase relaxation; they also can improve your overall health. A walk-in bathtub is a great option for anyone who struggles to get in and out of traditional tubs. Their innovative design allows the user to open a door, walk inside, and then fill the tub with their desired amount of water. By selecting a walk-in tub, it allows you to remain independent within the comfort of your own home. Plus, you’ll enjoy a long list of health benefits too!


Perhaps the biggest health benefit associated with walk-in tubs is improved safety. It’s estimated that one in four Americans over the age of 65 fall each year.  This alarmingly high number includes falls that result in both major and minor injuries. Walk-in tubs help to reduce this number. Instead of requiring you to step over a ledge to get into the tub, you can simply walk through a door. There’s no need to strain, balance, or carefully lift the feet in order to get in. This limits the amount of falls and keeps you much safer.

Pain Relief

Warm water and baths are associated with reduced pain and inflammation. With the help of a walk-in tub, it’s now possible for seniors to take advantage of this benefit. Without the risk of falling getting in and out of the tub, you can enjoy a nice long soak in the tub. This will reduce joint and muscle pain as well as relieve any tension you may be feeling. Regular bathing is a natural way for those suffering from arthritis, as well as those with chronic pain, to experience relief. It’s an enjoyable way to improve your overall well-being, no matter what ailments you may be experiencing.

Soak in tub


The golden years should be, well, golden! Relaxation shouldn’t be difficult to achieve. Baths can help to achieve the serenity that so many are looking for. In the past, it may have been difficult for you to get in and out of the tub, causing you to miss out on the enjoyment of a bubble bath or long soak in warm water. Walk-in tubs are delivering that same sense of calm to a generation that was unable to enjoy it for so long. Whether used daily or weekly, walk-in tubs allow the user to sit back and relax. Plus, with jets and other options available, it’s possible to customize your tub to create an experience that you love.

Increased Mobility

Muscles tend to become tense as time goes on. In some cases, this is due to injury or chronic diseases, such as arthritis. In some cases, decreased mobility is often caused by old age. No matter the cause, it can be difficult for seniors to walk or enjoy a full range of motion. Soaking in warm water is an excellent way to loosen up stiff muscles, increase flexibility, and reduce joint pain. Over time, it can make movement easier and improve your overall quality of life.

Don’t let these health benefits pass you by. There’s no longer a reason to miss out on regular baths. Whether you’re looking for increased relaxation, decreased pain, or both, a Safe Step Walk-In Tub can help. Begin designing your dream tub with the experts at Safe Step Walk-In Tub Company today. Call (800) 346-6616 or fill out the online form at to get started with a free estimate!

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