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An Understanding of Different Types of Walk-In Bathtubs

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Aging is a topic many shy away from, but it shouldn’t be. Aging gracefully while maintaining independence with respect to our most basic needs is the goal for every retiree. Make it yours when you install walk-in bathtubs for seniors and look forward to your golden years.

Reasons to Choose Walk-In Bathtubs.

  • Safety

Safety is the primary reason most seniors cite for purchasing a walk-in bathtub. Statistics are very clear that the majority of age-related falls happen in the bathroom, often causing serious medical issues. They can also exacerbate an existing, but under control, condition. Both have the potential to take away your ability to be independently safe in the bathroom.

  • Dignity

The goal is to age gracefully. Retaining your independence in the bathroom is paramount. As you age, you’ll have to make certain sacrifices, allowing others to do things for you that you’d prefer to have the ability to do for yourself. Cooking, yard work, and driving are three good examples. But you want to maintain your personal hygiene routines with complete independence for as long as possible. This adds a sense of retained dignity to your overall life.

  • Comfort

Ensuring comfort is another facet of aging. As our bodies become less capable of performing tasks, counter it by installing a walk-in bathtub and other easy access, risk-reducing appliances. The bonus comes in the luxury of the tub itself. Don’t wait. Get yours today and sink into a comfortable independence.


Shopping for walk in bathtubs is fun. With so many different styles and options to choose from, you’ll feel like you’re giving your bathroom a fancy remodel.

  • Step Up

For many, mobility is an issue. You’ll need to detach from the emotional side of aging to accurately assess your current, and future, ability to step over the 15-inch traditional threshold of a bathtub. Choose a walk-in tub with an entrance threshold ranging from between three to seven inches. Wheelchair accessible models can be even lower than the baseline three inches. The most important question to ask when shopping is, “Will I have to lift my leg or balance to enter this tub?”

  • Door Access

All walk-in bathtubs are fitted with watertight doors. However, the doors often only swing one way. Based on the space and layout of your bathroom, you’ll want to be sure to choose the tub-door that best fits and matches your safety design. Be sure to test a few. Literally get into the tub in the display room, then open and close the door. This is to assess how much arm strength it takes to enter and exit the tub. Most models are designed with this potential limitation in mind, but don’t take it for granted.

  • Water Access

Bathing while sitting down is often a foregone conclusion. With a walk-in bathtub, however, you can choose to mimic a traditional shower experience when you opt for a hand-held shower head. This is a great option if you tend to get cold quickly. Keep a steady stream of warm water on you at all times. Most models are also adjustable allowing you to personalize the water pressure and spray pattern to reach, and attack, sore muscles. Hand-held water access is a good choice for those with limited mobility.

  • Seating

Spa tubs and air tubs are fantastic, but they require that you can lower yourself into the base of the tub, and upright yourself to exit. Walk-in tubs differ in that they offer built-in chair seating. This allows you the independence you desire while also minimizing the risk of injury during entry and exit. A built-in chair speaks to all three of your aging bathroom needs, allowing you full comfort as you bathe. They’re soft and comfortable and come in all shapes and sizes. Many have adjustable features once installed.


  • Depth

Walk-in tubs are three-times the depth of a traditional tub.

  • Healing

Choose a model with healing features. Jets and other options can attack sore muscles and relieve pain due to inflammation.

Annually, one-quarter of all seniors fall in their bathroom. Don’t be a statistic. Don’t risk your future. Install walk-in bathtubs for seniors and enjoy years of independent, home living.

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