- Published Date 6/4/2021
- Reading Time 4 min read
Benefits of a Walk-In Tub
A walk-in tub can offer many benefits to those who own them, particularly senior citizens who may have reduced mobility in their later years. What, exactly, makes a walk-in tub or shower-tub combo better than your average tub? Keep reading to learn the major benefits of owning a Walk-in tub yourself.
Greater Accessibility
By far, the main reason that people purchase a walk-in bathtub is for improved accessibility. Standard tubs require you to climb over a high wall, which can be difficult and dangerous for those with reduced mobility. And shower stalls, which usually only have a low step, require you to stand on a slippery surface while bending and twisting to wash your entire body.
Walk-in tubs tackle these accessibility issues by providing a low entry step with a watertight door, allowing you to step easily into the tub, then enjoy a nice, hot soak. It also has a comfortable upright seat, so you do not have to worry about losing your balance or becoming fatigued.
Bathe or Shower
But what if you don’t want to take a bath every night? That’s fine too. Standard walk-in tubs still come with a handheld sprayer, so you can sit in the tub seat and use the sprayer to “shower” instead of filling the tub. Or, you can get a walk-in shower-tub combo, which includes an overhead shower head so that you can choose whether you want to bathe or shower while still having all of the accessibility features of a walk-in tub.
Hydrotherapy Massage
For senior citizens, a gentle massage is more than just a way to relax. It can improve blood flow, soothe aches and pains, and keep your body more limber and mobile. In short, a massage is good for your health! All of our walk-in tubs come with hydrotherapy massaging jets built-in, so that you can enjoy all of the benefits of a massage every single time you take a bath.
Better Hygiene
If bathing independently becomes more difficult for you as your mobility declines, you might find yourself putting it off. You might bathe and shower less frequently because of the struggle it poses each time you do. When bathing is easier, however, you’re less likely to avoid it so that you can enjoy better hygiene daily—and better health as a result.
Aging in Place
As you age and your mobility declines, you’ll inevitably be approached with the uncomfortable topic of moving to a care facility. It can be a complex topic to face. While it remains a necessity for some, many senior citizens have found they can stay in their own homes by simply making some accessibility improvements. A walk-in tub is just one of the accessibility upgrades that can allow you to age in place, living comfortably and safely in your home for years to come.
If you’re interested in reaping the benefits of owning a walk-in tub, contact Safe Step Tub to learn more about our products. We offer a standard walk-in tub, a walk-in shower, and a walk-in bathtub-shower combo so you can get what you need.
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